XTI Group

We are part of the energy transition.
We stand for clean, sustainable, and affordable energy concepts.

As a young company, we have a holistic picture of the social, environmental, and economic impact of our business activities.

We select our business partners and employees based on our beliefs while keeping the whole value chain in view.

Our Vision

We use our worldwide networks and achieve great things together in a sustainable way.

We create diversified connections in the virtual world with real value protection.

Our Mission

We are pursuing a future-oriented strategy in emerging and growing industries with affordable solutions in all segments, sustainably binding all of our partners, stakeholders, and employees.

Organization structure

XTI Holdings AG

XTI Solutions

Photovoltaic Development & Wholesale

XTI Treasure Investment & Assets

Photovoltaic Development & Wholesale

XTI Solar

Photovoltaic Wholesale

XTI Cars

Quiet Luxury Driving

Board of Directors

XTI Holdings AG

Dr. jur. Markus Hasler

XTI Treasure Investment & Assets

Alexander Teufel


René Neubauer, M.A.


Activities in 9 countries